Brand Workshop
    Brand Identity
    Marketing Collateral
    Custom Website
    Content Creation

Industrial Boilers America


Industrial Boilers America is one of the leading industrial boiler manufacturers in the United States, with over 20+ years of experience in manufacturing, licensing, and deployment of Industrial Power Plants and equipment.




    Industrial Manufacturing


    AVINTIV WAY, Brand Workshop, Brand Identity, Marketing Collateral, Custom Website, SEO, PPC, Content Creation


We partnered with the ownership team to assist them with a complete brand overhaul. Recognizing the stagnant appearance of the industry, the ownership team identified an opportunity to establish itself as the leading authority and premier provider for industrial boiler manufacturing.

This endeavor was realized through The AVINTIV WAY, our exclusive brand-building process, which encompasses a brand workshop, consulting, brand identity development, marketing collateral creation, and the design of a custom 70+ page WordPress website. Subsequently, we aided in executing marketing and advertising campaigns utilizing SEO, Content Creation, and PPC strategies, resulting in exponential growth in website traffic and a significant surge in revenue.


Industrial Boilers America faced a significant hurdle in the industry's unawareness of its extensive knowledge and expertise.

Despite the founding team's collective experience of over 20 years, the outdated branding and website failed to convey its expertise effectively. Consequently, the company suffered from sluggish growth, a decrease in leads, and falling short of its revenue goals.


We executed a thorough brand overhaul for Industrial Boilers America, employing our AVINTIV Way process to reconstruct their business foundation, strategy, focus, and roadmap.

This initiative led to a complete redesign of their brand identity, marketing collateral, and overall brand personality. Furthermore, we crafted a custom 75-page WordPress website that greatly enhanced conversions. Our proactive SEO, PPC, and Content Creation campaigns drove tens of thousands of visitors and generated thousands of leads, resulting in significant growth for the company.



We began a thorough brand overhaul for Industrial Boilers America, employing our unique AVINTIV Way process to rejuvenate their business foundation, strategy, focus, and roadmap. This structured 5-step approach is specifically designed for revitalizing brands of all scales and industries. Industrial Boilers America was an excellent fit for this tailored methodology.

Deliverable 2

Brand Workshop

We conducted an intensive three-day brand workshop, allowing both teams to delve deeply into the air filtration industry and acquire comprehensive insights into Industrial Boilers America, including its customers, challenges, objectives, and aspirations. Following this, we invested time in researching and auditing their industry, competitors, and target audience to develop a thorough understanding of the market landscape. As a result, we created a 55-page Brand Workshop Output Deck, which serves as the team's ongoing strategy roadmap.

Deliverable 3

Brand Identity

Industrial Boilers America’s logo and brand identity were notably outdated, impeding their progress towards ambitious objectives. Acknowledging the necessity for a substantial transformation, we undertook a comprehensive brand overhaul, creating a new logo, typography, color scheme, and brand messaging from the ground up. This rejuvenation instilled in Industrial Boilers America with a fresh sense of confidence and authority within the marketplace.

Deliverable 4

Marketing Collateral

Industrial Boiler America faced a significant challenge due to the lack of cohesion in its marketing collateral, which resulted in confusion among stakeholders. To address this issue, we worked closely with their leadership team to revamp all marketing materials, ensuring alignment with the recently enhanced brand identity. This initiative aimed to maintain consistency across all customer and vendor interactions, preserving the brand's pristine image.

Deliverable 5

Custom Website

Undoubtedly, one of the major hurdles faced by Industrial Boilers America was its significantly outdated website, which was out of alignment with its identity and goals. To address this issue, we created a bespoke 75-page WordPress website, setting it apart in an intensely competitive industry landscape. Consequently, Industrial Boilers America has positioned itself as the leading provider in the air filtration and manufacturing sector.


Deliverable 6

Search Engine Optimization

Prior to partnering with AVINTIV, Industrial Boilers America faced challenges in visibility, languishing on the 10th page of Google with merely around 10 keywords ranking. Subsequently, we implemented three 12-month SEO campaigns, yielding over 260 organic keywords, 100,000 organic searches, thousands of leads, and substantial revenue growth for the business.

Deliverable 7

Pay Per Click

After witnessing significant success with organic SEO efforts, we launched PPC campaigns across Google and Bing's pay-per-click platforms. These included shopping and pro max campaigns.

Deliverable 8

Content Creation

One of the leadership team's key concerns centered on the lack of brand authority in their market. To combat this, they launched a content marketing strategy to position Industrial Boilers America as the foremost authority within their industry. Our approach has effectively established Industrial Boilers America as an industry-leading expert, with multiple blog articles now ranking on the first page of Google.


See our award winning work.