How Much Should SEO Cost?

Page one ranking guaranteed! SEO services starting at $500 per month! We’ll optimize your site in 24 hours! If these taglines remind you of cut-rate used car dealerships or late night weight loss infomercials, you have good instincts. You need to cut through the BS and really ask yourself, “how much should SEO cost?”

While you can absolutely compare “before” and “after” SEO results, there is no magic pill to boost your website rankings. Effective optimization is a customized, multi-phase process, and honest SEO cost estimates reflect reality-based strategies.

Keep that in mind as you read on. 

There’s no cookie-cutter template for determining the cost of SEO, but when you’re shopping for a search engine optimization firm, these are the points to keep in mind when you’re accepting proposals: 

Important Factors That Positively Impact SEO

1. Website architecture

Search engine optimization begins with responsive, fast-loading websites and user-friendly navigation. Outdated servers, media-heavy sites, and cumbersome coding aren’t as easy to remedy when a site has hundreds of product pages or content assets. Clients in a position to take advantage of our free SEO audits are often ready for a top-down website overhaul, though our comprehensive analytics often reveal opportunities to streamline existing properties until our clients are ready to invest in a redesign. 

2. Management practices and preferences

Prior site management factors into pricing. We encounter more than a few clients who have assigned their digital marketing managers with the task of in-house updates and SEO management. Digital marketing and content managers are experts in their own field and often rely on the elementary and often incorrect advice of popular SEO “gurus”.

We respect the desire to manage websites in-house—for some businesses, it’s a necessity. If that sounds like you, you’ll want an SEO firm prepared to help you establish SEO best practices for continuity and performance, with scheduled audits and evaluations for course corrections. 

3. Relevant keyword research

Who’s your intended audience, and how will your SEO strategy predict their query habits? Is your brand competing for high-volume keywords, or targeting a local niche? Do your keywords attract qualified leads or traffic that will increase your bounce rate? 

Dynamic keyword research, integration, and reporting demands time, skill, and intimate knowledge of the customer’s audience and goals. SEO is less about competing for high-value keywords than it is about understanding your user’s search intent. That requires your SEO team to understand your market as well as you do.

4. Technical page optimization

Do your page titles, URLs, and schema send the right signals to search engines? Can search engine crawlers understand each page’s purpose when the on-page content is limited to alt text? After all, crawlers can’t “see” images or videos so metadata and page descriptions must advocate for your page’s value and relevance.

Snippet-savvy site descriptions help Google decide that your content aligns with user queries, and URLs and titles containing your prime keywords induce a better click-through rate. Your SEO consultant should identify and test technical page optimization techniques not just for SERP placement, but for traffic quality and conversion rates. 

5. User-valued, optimized content

It’s true: Quality content reinforces your brand’s legitimate use of keywords. But more important, content that’s useful to your audience keeps them engaged and draws them through the sales funnel. Longer dwell times improve SEO, as does content your audience shares on social media or their own sites. Blogs, infographics, and video generate legitimate, quality backlinks while elevating your brand as an industry authority. 

Content isn’t about stuffing keywords. We believe quality transcends quantity, and we connect our clients with creators who adapt to your brand character, speak to your buyer persona, and write with the skill and knowledge you’d be proud to present as your own. 

6. Backlinks and off-site authority 

How often is your brand referenced by other authoritative sources? On-site content generates backlinks, but we can help you identify and use off-site opportunities to generate domain and brand authority. Engage your audience on third-party review sites, update your Google My Business posts, and exchange guest posts with strategic partners and high-profile industry bloggers. Genuine, organic backlink acquisition takes time and effort, but it scores higher with search engines than do purchased backlinks or other “black hat” cheats. 

7. SEO analytics, reporting, and interpretation

Any SEO—or do-it-yourself site operator—can generate traffic and conversion reports. There are excellent keyword research tools available to anyone willing to pay the subscription costs. Even free plug-ins can provide useful insight into SEO success, but context is key. Your SEO success isn’t measured by charts and graphs alone. SEO strategies include A/B testing, industry-specific conversion experiments, and benchmarks set to monitor visitor behavior during cross-channel campaigns. 

Who you are and what you do influences your SEO strategy

We at Avintiv Media service clients in a variety of industries, tailoring our services accordingly. Our approach for optimizing a regional luxury auto dealership website will barely resemble our recommendations for a national organic skincare line, and both would very much differ from an eCommerce CBD brand. Site structure, content, keywords, and local SEO emphasis all differ among the three, as do customer intent and behavior. 

Think of us as your strategic partners. Like you, we’re not cheap; we’re experts in our field delivering measurable results. Quotes for our average cost of SEO reflect our dedication to your business’ growth and market agility, and we encourage you to regard the cost of SEO in terms of value rather than price. Contact us for a FREE SEO audit

Once we know more about you and where you stand, we can tailor your SEO roadmap to help you achieve your goals. See how our Cannabis/CBD client grew 2000% in under a year or how our Supplement eCommerce client increased organic traffic by 600%.

6 Reasons Why You Should Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the core of digital marketing. Still, the question is asked, “Why should you invest in SEO?” Over 93% of online experiences are happening every day due to search. More and more brand experiences begin with a simple query through search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

By not optimizing for search engines, you will lose relevant traffic from over two trillion searches launched every year on Google alone. To help, we’ve offered six ways to assist you in deciding if you need to invest in SEO.

6 Reasons for Deciding to Invest in SEO

Remember that keyword searches are about focused, intent-driven browsing. Your content should be clear, comfortable, and just right for the user when you optimize for intents. Likewise, considering an investment in search engine optimization forces you to consider all elements of your investment strategy. Here are six reasons to get started.

1. You need to save on advertising

Many businesses devote much of their marketing budget to advertising, but those dollars may be more sustainable when invested in SEO. If you need to save money on advertising, try allocating resources to SEO instead to increase your visibility. An increase in visibility will translate into more customers.

2. You need to increase conversions and lower bounce rates

I’m sure you’ve run into your fair share of aggressive ad campaigns that don’t bring you that laser-focused target customer that you had hoped for. Organic traffic from SEO brings in much higher quality traffic than unpredictable ad campaigns. At a much lower cost as well. 

It may be time to invest in contextual, long-tail keywords in your search engine optimization and content creation strategy. As you do so, express yourself in an evergreen, future-proof voice so that all users who find your content experience value in your content.

3. You need more customers

A search result page usually contains under 10 positively-matched links. To make sure Google will place your site in one of these top spots, you may want to invest in helpful, search-optimized content instead of ads and social. Most users will not look beyond these first ten results when choosing a solution, so make sure you’re among the top picks.

4. You need to establish authority, trust, and loyalty

Most searches seek expert, authoritative, and trustworthy information. This is another reason to invest in well-researched, optimized content and use only phrases matching target intents. A good SEO strategy will demand that you create content that increases trust among your target customer and feeds the customer’s journey. 

5. You want to grow your brand

Searchers often seek specific, highly relevant information, so you can increase the discovery and enjoyment of your site by optimizing to answer common queries. SEO can help solidify your brand platform by structuring your copy and taking advantage of query trends, giving you a competitive advantage and a USP. 

Search engine optimization will require you to consider what a user is after when they say [best pizza near me] and structure your content to match. Brands are built on a sound approach to search engine optimization.

6. You need to create relationships and increase your rank

Search engines will better find and rank your content with links from those who found your site useful. Investing in smart SEO strategies for building links can help your content get found by potential advocates and increase its rank.

You’ve now seen 6 examples of reasons that an investment in SEO would make sense for you. If you want happier customers that value your online brand, we recommend you consider launching an SEO campaign.

To play devil’s advocate, we offer two ways for you to evaluate whether now is a good time to invest in SEO or not.

Key Questions to Ask Before Investing in SEO

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Optimized search is about getting the user intent right the first time. It may be keyword-rich, focused, local, and just right for you, but does it delight your users? Search optimization encourages you to push the value envelope and make three considerations.

1. Do I have a budget for an intelligent SEO strategy?

By cutting spending in ad categories and prioritizing your position for top search queries, you may find you have some budget for search engine optimization. But, if your aim is to dominate the niche and top spot, consider giving your budget a much-needed boost. 

2. Will my SEO feature a thoughtful, evergreen strategy?

On the search for the right answer or product for them, users want speed as well as human and helpful information. If your aim is to delight people with value while saving money on ad spend, bounces, and conversions, you should investigate your content with a professional and invest in SEO

3. Do I have fair, measurable expectations of SEO?

If you know you want to make a connection with the problems, and passions that your users suggest with their queries, your next step is to consider if you can accept the positives and negatives of an SEO strategy. If you are able to appreciate that SEO will require smart investment, patience, and careful metrics, this makes it more likely that an SEO investment is the right choice for your business. 


If you are saying yes to these two important questions, you may very well be ready to invest in SEO and optimized content. Get a FREE SEO audit from Avintiv Media to learn more.

What is Off-page SEO?

You might have heard of the term “off-page SEO” but what do you actually know about it? After today, you won’t ever have to wonder. Off-page SEO (or off-site SEO) refers to actions that are taken outside of your own website that has an impact on how your website ranks within search engine result pages (SERPs).

If you haven’t started with enhancing your on-page SEO, make sure you start there before diving into your off-page SEO campaign. If you’d like to know the difference between on-page SEO vs of-page SEO, we wrote a blog on that as well.

Off-page SEO is one of the most important aspects of your SEO campaign. There are a lot of variables that come into play when perfecting your off-page SEO campaign. Like anything in life, it comes down to a site’s popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority. You can improve search engine rankings through other reputable places on the internet, such as sites, pages, people, social media, etc.


Creating popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority

On-page SEO is doing everything you can to make your site awesome. You have a great looking and functioning mobile-friendly site, you’re writing great content and have a solid site structure. You’re off to a great start.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, is focused around making your site an authority online so Google search engines rank you higher. 

One great aspect of writing quality content is ranking higher in Google’s search engines. Getting relevant sites to link to your content is going to increase your chances of increasing your ranking. As important higher rankings are, you want to make sure that you’re creating trust and a sense of authority with your visitors.

A great way of building trust with your visitors is with reviews, which can be found off your site. Reviews affect your rankings, which is why you want to make sure you have plenty of 5-star reviews on as many third-party review sites as possible. Popular ones are Facebook, Yelp, and Google.

Before we dive too deep into off-page SEO, let’s go over why it’s a must!


Why is off-page SEO Important?


Off-page SEO is tremendously valuable as it tells Google and other search engines that your website is more important than others on the web. The majority of any company that knows what they’re doing with SEO will have their on-page SEO fully optimized. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, is much more difficult. Think of it as a tie-breaker for websites so search engines know the best site to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Although we don’t know the lengths of the full algorithm Google uses to rank, Search Engine Ranking Factors study show that off-site SEO related factors likely carry more than 50% of the ranking factor.


Links and Off-page SEO

One of the most important aspects of off-page SEO is building backlinks. Google and other search engines use backlinks to indicate the quality of the linked content. A site with many high-value backlinks will usually rank much better than the same site with fewer backlinks. 

There are three main types of links that can be used:

  • Natural links are given without any action being done on the owners part. Once a site has authority, other sites will want to link their content and pages to yours. Example: is writing an article about an entrepreneur and they reference your company in their article backlinking it to your site.
  • Self-created links are created by the site owner when adding backlink from sites like an online directory, forum, blog comments, press release, etc. Just make sure you stay away from black hat SEO techniques.
  • Manual links are acquired through planned link-building initiatives. This can be done through many outlets. One major one is content syndication.


Links that have the most value are the ones that Google and other search engines will be ranking the highest. There are quite a few variables that define “value” to Google. Some of those are:

  • The authority of the linking site
  • The relevance of the linking site’s topic to the topic of the site that created the link
  • The “freshness” of the link
  • The number of other links on the linking page
  • The trustworthiness of the linking site


Non-link Off-page SEO

Links are by far the most popular term to talk about when discussing off-site SEO, but there’s much more that goes into off-page SEO. Nearly every activity that happens off your website is considered off-site SEO.

Other forms of off-site SEO are:

Social Media

Social media by itself is not essential for ranking high in search engines. It does assist with your rankings and more importantly, allows your visitors and customers to connect with you and your content. Your social media popularity will add to your brand’s credibility and trust factor, more so than your off-page SEO.

Avintiv Media, Instagram, Digital Marketing Agency, Social Media, Scottsdale Digital Marketing, off-page SEO, blog


Social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and other various forms of social media, help to get your content out there. This can then lead to other sites wanting to link to your site if you have authority in your space.

NAP Citations

NAP citations are online mentions of your business and the contact information (Name, Address, Phone).

All local businesses should be utilizing local listings. According to Moz, citations are one of the top 10 local off-page ranking factors. This is a great way to get into Google’s “3-pack.”

Brand Mentions

There are linked and unlinked brand mentions, which Google talks about in one of its patents. Google started to notice that many brands get mentioned without ever receiving links. They thought that brands who receive unlinked brand mentions should also be added to Google’s ranking algorithm, just like linked brand mentions would. You’d still want to prefer linked versus unlinked but both are now taken into account for ranking.

A couple of good options for linked brand mentions are:

  • Be on a popular podcast
  • Write guest posts for other sites
  • Launch a blogger outreach campaign
  • Press releases
  • Influencer marketing

Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) is a free business profile from Google. Just creating a Google My Business profile won’t be enough. You will need to continuously optimize your Google My Business profile as it is the most important ranking factor to rank in the Google “3-pack” and the fourth most important factor for regular local organic search results.

Avintiv Media, Google, Digital Marketing Agency, Social Media, Scottsdale Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Phoenix, off-page SEO, blog

If you’re a local business, this is an absolute must for you.


Reviews are an incredibly important factor for ranking in Google’s “3-pack,” as well as ranking for local organic search results. The most positive and genuine reviews you have on your Google My Business profile will not only make you rank higher but add trust and comfort when visitors are researching your business.

Grow Your Business With SEO

If you’d like help auditing how good or bad your off-page SEO is, you can use our FREE SEO Audit resource.

SEO: What It Is, and Why It’s Essential For Your Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t a marketing buzz phrase. It’s the strategy required to connect your brand’s online presence with your intended audience, and it drives your site’s design choices as well as its content development.

There is no off-the-shelf solution to SEO; your strategy must adapt to your industry, market segments, and brand. Here’s what you need to know to put search engine optimization into context. 



The big-picture approach to SEO

Top SEO Agency, Scottsdale, Phoenix, SEO, What is SEO?, Blog

All the elements of effective website design appeal to user experience (UX), user interface (UI), and search engine rankings metrics—the latter of which determines where your site appears on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Google’s goal is serving its users with the most useful, user-friendly content. Your goal is convincing Google that your site delivers while keeping that promise to your visitors. 

It’s not enough to achieve high rankings if you’re attracting the wrong traffic. Google also takes into account how much time your visitors spend on your page (“dwell time”) and how often other sites link to your content as a source. Keywords and content must speak directly to your intended audience, and website design should be intuitive for your visitors.  



How site architecture affects SEO

The website interface is dictated by server quality, aesthetics, and interactive design. Start-up businesses often begin in-house with template-based websites on shared hosting services, or with all-inclusive plug-and-play platforms. Very quickly they find themselves limited by server performance, content management, and potential for custom coding. 

Fast loading times 

Attention spans are short, especially among younger audiences who demand efficiency, quality, and integrity from their information sources. Sites that take too long to load have higher bounce rates and lower dwell times. Google takes into account load speeds, and so should you if you want to keep your visitors engaged. Servers, site design, media management practices all contribute to site speed. 

Responsive design

All websites should translate seamlessly to whichever mobile device or platform the visitor is using. There is no excuse for a potential customer to have to scroll left to right to view the content on your sight (akin to a “keyhole” view) or click a “mobile version” link. Responsive content allows the user to scroll vertically, clearly read the text, and view scaled-down graphics and images with ease. Navigation menus also adapt to smaller formats on responsive websites. Truly “responsive” site designs communicate their status to Google crawlers, increasing their ranking potential. 

Searches from mobile devices have surpassed those made on desktop and laptop computers, and the gap will continue to increase.  

Ease of navigation

Visitors want to find the information they’re seeking without having to jump through hoops. Simplified navigation menus, clear page titles, and accurate, non-sensationalized blog headlines help shape your credibility with your visitors. 


The content contained in site title tags, URLs, and image metadata reinforces your site’s claim to its target keywords while making it easier for crawlers to interpret and categorize your website content. Less-experienced SEO managers often overlook these crucial steps. 

Top SEO Agency, Scottsdale, Phoenix, SEO, What is SEO?, Blog, Meta Data, Meta Title


Why quality content is important for SEO success

“Isn’t content just the medium for adding keywords?” It’s a common question and one that perfectly underlines the problems associated with internet SEO “gurus” targeting non-professional webmasters. Our philosophy is this: What’s the point of using the right keywords if your content doesn’t build relationships with your audience?

Good content, which may be written copy, infographics, video, or images, achieves the following:

  • Validates your claim to keywords by educating visitors on keyword-relevant topics
  • Engages your audience, increasing dwell-time and return visits
  • Establishes you as an industry authority, encouraging SEO-boosting backlinks and name mentions 
  • Pulls your prospects through the buying cycle, cementing brand trust along the journey
  • Encourages visitors to fill out contact forms and newsletter forms in exchange for even more useful information
  • Educates your audience, empowering them to feel confident when they’re ready to convert


Effective, engaging content, especially when it’s organized in topic-oriented clusters, appeals to both users and search engine algorithms. Create content for the user—not rankings—in mind, and you’ll achieve both goals with optimal success. 



An outside-the-box agency doesn’t use off-the-shelf solutions

Search engine optimization success requires top-to-bottom best practice implementation. There’s no single plug-in, tutorial, or template to fix existing problems, nor is there a one-size-fits-all manual for launching a new, perfectly-optimized website. But there is a way to get on the right track. Get a free SEO audit from Avintiv, and learn how you can increase your digital marketing ROI through targeted lead generation, sleek and efficient site design, and conversion-focused content.

Introducing Avintiv Media’s New Branding

Hi, I’m Jon Boles. I’m the Founder & CEO at Avintiv Media. I launched Avintiv Media in late 2016 and it has been a wild ride since.

I’m excited to share with you a project that has been very dear to our hearts for over 6 months now. The rebranding and identity of Avintiv Media.

Why did we rebrand?

We’ve spent the last 3 years assisting some of the most amazing clients to break through some of the most competitive industries, becoming industry dominators. We launched in late 2016 as a very small boutique agency and although we still have a boutique marketing agency feel, a number of our clients went from David and turned into Goliath. We aren’t working with many small businesses or sole entrepreneurs anymore.

With that said, our primary reasons to do a full rebrand were:

  1. We needed to reposition our agency.
  2. Our resources and in-house capabilities are far more advanced than when we first launched.
  3. We wanted to deliver an entirely new experience to not only paying clients but every single person that interacts or engages with our brand. Our rebranding is very refreshing, exciting, edgy and energetic – it’s full of life…
  4. It was time for us to showcase our real talents on our own brand since we’ve only focused on our clients for the last 3 years.

1 | Repositioning our agency

Since our launch in late 2016, we have worked with many clients in many different industries. We’ve learned that our sweet spot are clients that have been in business for over 2 years and are doing $1,000,000 – $150,000,000 in gross revenue. We knew that we needed to be the authority in our 7-9 figure niche industries that we service clients in. It wasn’t even a question if rebranding was needed.

2 | Our resources are far more advanced

Like any company that launches without venture-backed money; you start small with a younger team. As time goes on, as a business owner, you learn and evolve noticing that things can be done quicker, better, higher-quality, etc. Our team has evolved about 4 times since 2016 and it’s safe to say that we have the most amazing in-house team of rockstars. In over 10 years of being a seasoned entrepreneur, I’ve personally never worked with such talented people in my life and that’s not me being biased. The capabilities and resources we have now are light years ahead of where we were when we first launched. It just seemed like the right time to use that to our advantage.

3 | Delivering a better experience

Our motto at Avintiv Media is, “how you do anything is how you do everything.” How could we keep building award-winning brands that are destroying their competition but neglect our own brand? We treated ourselves like we were a client and put our team through the entire process of building a brand. Every aspect of the new Avintiv Media is built to deliver a remarkable experience that is unmatched in the agency world!

4 | It was time to showcase our talent

If you’re an agency owner, I know you can relate to putting your clients above all else. Even if that means your own marketing, branding, and goals have to be put on hold. If you don’t own an agency, let me walk you through a day-in-the-life quickly. When you own a digital marketing agency that’s growing very drastically, you tend to put all of those needs before the needs of the agency. If the agency is growing and the systems and processes are working, clients are getting amazing results, then why change things up right? As an agency owner, it sometimes feels like you own 30 companies because, at Avintiv Media, we treat our clients as if we owned the company. Everything is on the line with everything that we do. With that amount of pressure, it doesn’t leave much time to make your brand pretty or special when you’re doing that for so many other businesses each week. It was time that Avintiv Media took a step back and truly showed the talents of who we have working at our agency and what we’re capable of.

The Process

This was the fun part of the process. We actually treated ourselves as if we were a client and went through every step that we do with clients. We audited the experience, the pros, the cons, and how we would want to be treated. We started with a full-day brand workshop with all key stakeholders at Avintiv Media which translated into a 10+ page brand identity and positioning guide.

Our creative team then went into the logo design stage. After days of sketches, drafts, crumpling papers, going to the whiteboard – we finally found a logo/branding that could evolve into a $100 million brand. An iconic brand. Not just a marketing agency.

Once the logo and other assets were chosen, we went into what colors we wanted to use to show where Avintiv Media was headed. We wanted to use very popular but futuristic colors that won’t be going out of style any time soon.

I could go on and on but let’s take a look…

The Avintiv Media logo

Before we introduce our new branding and direction, we wanted to showcase the branding that got us started. Below is the logo that brought this 10-year dream and idea in the clouds to life. It’s the logo that shared many laughs and many cries. Lots of projects were developed under this logo. It’s the original logo that won so many amazing clients over and let them get better sleep at night as we gave them their life back.

So… Before we shed the old, we wanted to reflect on what got us to where we are and say THANK YOU to every team member, past team member, clients, fans, followers, and anyone else that has ever believed in us. Every day at work is a dream come true as we change so many people’s lives for the better.

Introducing our new Avintiv Media logo

We’re beyond thrilled to share with you our new logo and identity and make even more memories under it.

We wanted to create a more bold, confident, and edgy logo and identity. Avintiv Media prides itself on offering customized award-winning solutions for our clients, not cookie-cutter, template, or bandaid style solutions. Quality is at the forefront of everything that we do not only with our client’s brand but also inside our agency. We feel that our new logo and identity captures that perfectly.

With our new brand direction, we wanted to showcase a brand that can be seen as an iconic brand, not just another typical marketing agency. Avintiv Media is heading in the direction of working with some of the largest brands in the world and we needed an iconic identity to fit the part over the next 10 years.

Our iconography

We wanted to ensure our iconography had brand recognition and a similar look and feel. To achieve this we sprinkled in Avintiv’s gradient element into every icon.

We used familiar industry iconography to attach to each service we offer so that users do not have to overthink our iconography.

Each icon holds the same visual weight – we do not want one icon to outshine the other when interacting on a page together.

Our new font

We wanted our new font to be fresh with clean sans serif elements that create clean forms and interesting negative space. We also wanted a face with an extensive collection of weights. We think Nexa is a great compliment to our logotype and strategic brand direction.

Our color palette

Our color palette is bright, bold, and in your face. We use gradients as a graphic and color element to evoke emotion and positivity. Our secondary color palette is used for internal branding of our services and to help clients using multiple services to be able to differentiate all client-facing materials without having to search for a number on an invoice.

Welcome to the all-new Avintiv Media

You’ll notice all of the changes from today on. Currently, our website is the biggest change you should notice if you’re not a current client of ours. You’ll start to notice entirely different marketing and the way we’re positioning ourselves.

This is just the beginning for Avintiv Media. We’re so excited for all of you that are sharing this amazing journey with all of us. We have some very big projects we’re working on with major brands that we cannot wait to share with all of you.

Thank you for your support and for being apart of our journey and for letting us be apart of yours.

AVINTIV Wins Top Creative & Design Agency in Arizona Award

“How you do anything is how you do everything” is our mantra at AVINTIV. Our work ethic in creating a wide range of award-winning web design and development services has provided positive digital experiences for brands. As one of the top web designers in Phoenix, we continue to receive accolades for our hard work. Most recently, we are thrilled to share that Clutch has featured us in their 2019 report among the leading B2B companies in Arizona, specifically within the creative and design category. We are beyond grateful to have won the Top Creative & Design Agency award.

Clutch is an independent platform that collects objective feedback from clients about each company registered on the site. Analysts at the ratings and reviews firm conduct in-depth interviews with customers about the quality of their interaction with each Clutch-registered company. Based on the data gathered, they formulate honest ratings of all the firms for prospective clients to view.

We’ve been able to maintain a 5-star rating and consistently rank on the platform based on the reviews provided by our clients to Clutch analysts. One project in particular that we did with 11th Hour Matchmaking, a dating service for Scottsdale and Phoenix locals, reflects our high rating and awards.

Rebecca Fowler, CEO & Owner of 11th Hour Matchmaking, reached out to AVINTIV to help build her brand, which consisted of a brand workshop, business plan, branding, custom-built website, and social media management. From the discovery process and market research to now managing social media and the website, AVINTIV was able to help 11th hour become a success. “Positive user feedback responded to an impressive social media presence and functional website,” Fowler stated. “The results reflect the team’s ability to be energized and motivational while executing timely deliveries in a professional manner.”

Beyond the generous reviews that can be found on our Clutch profile, our success extends to the firm’s sister sites: Visual Objects and The Manifest. Visual Objects publishes portfolios of top agencies, like us, and other creatives to share their work with prospective clients. Likewise, The Manifest gives a brief description of our services as well as our notable projects and clients. We’re proud to say they have listed us among the leading digital marketing agencies.

It is unquestionably an honor to be named one of the best in the industry and receive the Top Creative & Design Agency award. Thanks to Clutch for including us in their rankings; we genuinely appreciate the positive feedback. More importantly, thank you to our clients — we are looking forward to giving more entrepreneurs their lives back.

If you’d like to inquire about how we can develop your dream website, you can inquire on our contact page.

Avintiv Media Wins Best Web Designers in Tempe by Three Best Rated

Best Web Designers, Best Web Designers Tempe, Arizona, Avintiv Media, web developers, web designers

We are extremely humbled to receive the Best Web Designers in Tempe award by Three Best Rated for the past 3 years running. It’s an honor being recognized among some of the top web design agencies throughout Arizona.

Three Best Rated does a phenomenal job looking out for small business owners who are looking to get quality work done. You deserve only the best in life. Three Best Rated® was created with the simple goal of finding the top 3 local businesses, professionals, restaurants, health care providers, and everything in-between, in any city. 

Every business is meticulously handpicked by their employees. They check the business’s reputation, history, complaints, ratings, proximity, satisfaction, trust, cost, general excellence, reviews, and more, using their 50-Point Inspection. They only display businesses that are verified by their employees. Other places will call this “hard work” and “unnecessary”. They call it “due diligence” and “the right thing to do”. Their website is updated on a regular basis for quality and the latest business information.

If you haven’t met us either yet, here’s a quick intro into who we are.

“Avintiv Media is an award-winning boutique agency in Scottsdale, AZ that solves problems for its high-end clients, turning them into industry dominators. We offer award-winning brandingweb design, and SEO, services, yes, but we’re much more than that…we’re an agency filled with hustlers, visionaries, creators, designers, and marketers that simply do one thing: GET THE JOB DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! Quality is at the core that fuels our agency.

We aren’t the biggest guys nor are we the little guys anymore.

We certainly aren’t cheap but our quality is unmatched which is why we’ve been blessed to work with brands like Scottsdale Ferrari, Scottsdale Maserati, Scottsdale Lamborghini, Penske Automotive, 3Win Corp and so many more.

Avintiv Media prides itself on offering customized award-winning solutions for our clients, not cookie-cutter, template, or bandaid style solutions. Quality is at the forefront of everything that we do not only with your brand but inside our agency.”

It is unquestionably an honor to be named as the Best Web Designers in Tempe. Thank you to Three Best Rated for including us in their rankings, we genuinely appreciate the positive feedback. More importantly, thank you to our clients — we are looking forward to turning more clients into industry dominators.

If you’d like to work with Avintiv Media, you can request a discovery call on our contact page.

Top Arizona Web Designer Awarded to Avintiv Media

With the world’s modern technological advancements, digital marketing is vital to business success. We at Avintiv Media provide award-winning branding, web design, and coaching services, so you sell more. Our passion is ensuring that our clients utilize digital marketing to its fullest potential. We’re very honored to receive ‘Top Arizona Web Designer’ by clutch for the second year in a row.

We first joined Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews platform based in Washington, D.C., to see how we compare to competitors in our industry. Clutch offers a database of information to prospective buyers that are searching for a business partner. They analyze companies in various industries based on certain qualifications: industry expertise, social media presence, and former client projects.

Now, we’re proud to announce that Clutch has included us in their latest press release as one of the best web designers in Phoenix.

What we’re most proud of, though, is our former client reviews. Clutch conducted telephone interviews with our former clients to hear how our work has served them. The positive feedback so far speaks for itself:

“I highly recommend them. They offer a wide range of services and provide great value.” – CEO, 11th Hour Matchmaking

“The whole team is very friendly, knowledgeable, and definitely on top of their work.” – Owner, Black Diamond Supplements

Read the full reviews on our Clutch profile. We want to make our process simple and effective for each of our clients’ needs, so we’re glad to hear our process has been delivering results.

Clutch has two sister websites, The Manifest and Visual Objects, and we’ve achieved positions on both of them. The Manifest, where we list as one of the top web designers in Phoenix, is a collection of industry reports, how-to lists, and agency rankings. Visual Objects, where we place as one of the top web design companies, is a visual compilation of past projects for companies of diverse industries.

We’re grateful to our friends at Clutch for these recognitions, to our former clients for their reviews, and to all who have helped our company. As our company continues to expand, we hope to continue providing superior client service, ascending these rankings until we reach the summit of our industry.

If you’d like to inquire about how we can develop your dream website, you can inquire on our contact page.

Our CEO, Jon Boles, Top Entrepreneur and Visionary by

In August 2018, released a press release naming the top entrepreneur and visionary. They said, “Entrepreneurs under 40 are a special group; they have achieved significant standing at a young age, while setting the “entrepreneurial standard” for those striving for independent success.

Regardless of their specific age, or the vertical they work in, these entrepreneurs are successful in ways we cannot always understand. They share similar characteristics, and the ability to put their goals — and their businesses, first.

On a daily basis, they are changing the very definition of success. While entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone; for the people in this article, it is the very cornerstone of their existence.”

Jon Boles is a visionary and serial entrepreneur having launched 8 successful brands of his own and exited from one in 2018. Over the past decade alone, Jon has helped build and consult for over 140 brands across the country, grossing myriad millions of dollars for his clients along the way.

Top Entrepreneur, Top Visionary, Jon Boles, CEO,, Avintiv Media, Feature, Press

With the recent cover of Scottsdale health, Jon talked about his latest endeavor,  Avintiv Media, which has won 8-awards in under one year and is being recognized as one of the fastest growing marketing agencies in Phoenix, AZ. Avintiv Media’s clients range from Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, a handful of celebrity fitness clients, and many more.

Jon’s passion is being a “High Performance Business Coach” under Avintiv Media where he coaches 30 premium clients around the country to increase their performance in their personal and business life.”